Book:The Josh Kirby Discworld Portfolio
This book is another collection of the artwork that Josh Kirby created for Terry Pratchett's novels, similar to The Josh Kirby Poster Book. In this book however the pages are not removable. Th majority of the artwork comes from the covers for the Discworld books and illustrations from The Illustrated Eric, the rest come from non-Discworld novels.
- Tranced Thaumaturge and ?Dragon Maiden
- Treadwheel in Hell
- ?Mephistopheles
- Eric the Demonologist
- Eric over Ankh
- Death in his Study
- Helen of Troy
- Mort
- Strata
- The Light Fantastic
- Sourcery
- Guards! Guards!
- Wyrd Sisters
- Equal Rites
- The Colour of Magic
- The Dark Side of the Sun
- Eric
- Discworld
- Pyramids
- Small Gods
- Witches Abroad
- Lords and Ladies
- Reaper Man
- Moving Pictures
- Truckers
- Diggers
- Wings
- The Carpet People