Edgeway Road
Mentioned in Hogfather, this is the road where Aaron Fidget lives (in The Pines development). This road runs roughly turnwise-to-widdershins accross from the Rimward Gate to a large, but un-named, square-cum-crossroads where the road continues on the other side as Park Lane. The Soake runs rimwards from this square and Long Wall hubwards, making the four arms of a crossroads. A very large single building sits central in the square.
Maybe parellels the Edgeware Road in London? If so, it should be noted that in H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds, this was the chosen entry route for the Martian tripods when it came to reducing London to smouldering ash... Have Things From The Dungeon Dimensions ever walked, scuttled or slithered this way?
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