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- "Bloody Stupid" Johnson
- "Fartmeister" Carter
- "Fingers" Mazda
- "Great Leveller" Cart-Mounted Ten-Bank 500-Pound Crossbow
- "Hiho" song
- "Old Stoneface" Vimes
- "Rubber" Houser
- "Rubber" Ramkin
- "Stoneface" Vimes
- "Whacko" Whopply
- 'Three Wizards' Chardonnay
- -2564 UC
- -ing
- .303 Bookworm
- .303 bookworm
- 1
- 1,176,865
- 1,349,877
- 1,400,013
- 1,617,524
- 100 Walks in the Ramtops
- 1196 UC
- 127005 Pratchett
- 130 Days of Pseudopolis
- 14 UC
- 1512 UC
- 1561 UC
- 1576 UC
- 1688
- 1688 UC
- 1855 UC
- 1878 UC
- 1880 UC
- 1885 UC
- 1888 UC
- 1889 UC
- 191,248
- 1912 UC
- 1914 UC
- 1915 UC
- 1933 UC
- 1943 UC
- 1946 UC
- 1957
- 1957 UC
- 1961 UC
- 1964 UC
- 1966 UC
- 1967 UC
- 1968 UC
- 1969 UC
- 1970 UC
- 1974 UC
- 1979 UC
- 1984 UC
- 1985 UC
- 1986 UC
- 1987 UC
- 1988 UC
- 1989
- 1989 UC
- 1990 UC
- 1991 UC
- 1992 UC
- 1998 UC
- 1 UC
- 2,217,643
- 35th Llamedosian Foot
- 485,671
- 493rd Abbot
- 50 Years of Terry
- 57
- 59th Abbot
- 6 Nation Alliance
- 71-Hour Achmed
- 71-hour Ahmed
- 7a
- 8
- 831,264
- A'Tuin
- A'tuin
- A-Pox-Upon-Their-Houses Jenkins
- A.E. Pessimal
- A. Parker & Son's
- A. Parker and Son's
- A Few Words From Lord Havelock Vetinari
- A Hat Full of Sky
- A Practical Manual for the Modern Witch
- A Tourist Guide to Lancre
- A Trip on the Stage
- A Wizard's Staff Has A Knob On The End
- A leopard can't change his shorts
- Aaoograha hoa
- Aargrooha
- Aaron Fidget
- Abba Stronginthearm
- Abbot
- Abbot Lobsang
- Abbot of the Stationeri
- Abbys
- Abiding Swindell
- Able Baker
- Abominations Unto Nuggan
- Abraxas
- Abrim
- Absinthe
- Abu Ibn Infra
- Accelerating Bamboo
- Achairleg
- Achmed The Mad
- Achmed the I Just Get These Headaches
- Achmed the I Just Get These Headaches's Book of Humorous Cat Stories
- Achmed the Mad
- Acktur Cutangle
- Acrobatic Meerkat
- Actors' Guild
- Adam Young
- Addison Fletcher
- Addison Vincent Fletcher
- Additives
- Adora Belle Dearheart
- Adrian Turnipseed
- Adventures with Crossbow and Rod
- Aeron
- Afp
- Afternoon Tea - well, Sherry, really
- Agantia
- Agatean
- Agatean Empire
- Agatean White
- Agi Hammerthief
- Agnes
- Agnes Nitt
- Agnes Nutter
- Agony Aunts
- Aimsbury
- Aix-En-Pains
- Ajandurah
- Ajandurah's Wand of Utter Negativity
- Aknon Smyth
- Al'Dente
- Al-Khali
- Al-Khali (Character)
- Al-Kinte
- Al-Ybi
- Al Khali
- Albert
- Albert Hurker
- Albert Rust
- Albert Selachii
- Albert Spangler
- Alberto Malich
- Albrecht Albrechtson
- Alchemists' Guild
- Alexandra Willet
- Alfonz
- Alfred Spangler
- Algernon Stollop
- Alice
- Alice Band
- Alice Venturi
- Alison Weatherwax
- Aliss Demurrage
- All Jolson
- All The Little Angels
- Alltogether Andrews
- Almanack And Booke Of Dayes
- Almanack de Gothic
- Almeg
- Alohura
- Along the Ankh with Bow, Rod and Staff with a Knob on the End
- Alphonse Nobbs
- Altiplano Express Line
- Altogether Andrews
- Amanita Liquor
- Amazing Maurice
- Amber
- Amber Petty
- Ambiguous Puzuma
- Amelie Willet
- Amonia
- Amper Sands
- Amschat B'hal Zoon
- An Introduction to Escapology
- An Ode to Multiple Universes
- An unidentified inn
- Anaglypta Huggs
- Anathema Device
- Ancient And Alluvial Lodge of the Fraternal Herders Association
- Ancient Ones
- Ancient and Classical Mythology
- Ancient and Truly Original Brothers of the Silver Star
- Ancient and Truly Original Sages of the Unbroken Circle
- Ande Supporting Bandes
- Andre
- Andrei
- Andrei von Überwald
- André
- Andy Hancock
- Andy Shank
- Anecdotes of the Great Accountants
- Angalo
- Angalo de Haberdasheri
- Angeline Lawsy
- Angelino Tweebsly
- Angels
- Anghammarad
- Angua
- Angua von Uberwald
- Angua von Überwald
- Angus
- Aniger
- Anima Unnaturale
- Ankh
- Ankh-Morpork
- Ankh-Morpork & Sto Plains Hygienic Railway
- Ankh-Morpork Calendar
- Ankh-Morpork City Watch
- Ankh-Morpork Civil War
- Ankh-Morpork Fine Art Appreciation Society
- Ankh-Morpork Folk Dance and Song Society
- Ankh-Morpork Historical Re-creation Society
- Ankh-Morpork Inquirer
- Ankh-Morpork League of Temperance
- Ankh-Morpork Literary Gazette and Paradigm Shifters' Monthly
- Ankh-Morpork Mint
- Ankh-Morpork Neighbourhood
- Ankh-Morpork Neighbourhoods
- Ankh-Morpork Order of Postal Workers Benevolent and Friendly Society
- Ankh-Morpork Post Office
- Ankh-Morpork Postal System
- Ankh-Morpork Rat Pack
- Ankh-Morpork Recovering Accordian Players Society
- Ankh-Morpork Royal College of Heralds
- Ankh-Morpork Scouting (and possibly Urban Survival) Federation
- Ankh-Morpork Temple of Om
- Ankh-Morpork Times
- Ankh-Morpork Watch
- Ankh-Morpork and Sto Plains Hygienic Railway
- Ankh (city)
- Ankh (river)
- Ankh Bridge
- Ankh Morpork
- Ankh Morpork Discworld Board Game
- Ankh Street
- Annagovia
- Annagramma Hawkin
- Annotated Directory of Streets, Alleys, Roads Lanes and Yards of Ankh-Morpork
- Annotated Pratchett File
- Annotations
- Anoia
- Anon
- Anthony Crowley
- Anthropomorphic personification
- Anticrime
- Antimony Parker
- Antipasta
- Antipater Slack
- Antiphon
- Antonio Vicente
- Anu-anu
- Apocalypse
- Apocralypse
- Apothecary Gardens
- Apothecary Walk
- Applejack
- Approximately -58000 UC
- Apsly's Commercial Bank
- Aqua Quirmis
- Arachne
- Araminta
- Araminta Garlick
- Arch-Astronomer
- Archaeologists' Guild
- Archchancellor
- Archchancellor's Hat
- Archchancellor Bowell's Remembrance
- Archchancellor Henry
- Archmage of Ymitury
- Archmandrite of B'Ituni
- Ardent
- Ardrothy Longstaff
- Arena
- Argavisti
- Arghh!
- Argo Nauticae Uniquo
- Ariadne
- Ariadne Gordon
- Aristocrates
- Armourers' Guild
- Armpit
- Army
- Arnold Bros (est. 1905)
- Arnold Sideways
- Arnsat 1
- Ars Lane
- Art of War
- Arte Sadhim
- Artela
- Arthur
- Arthur Carry
- Arthur Ludorum
- Arthur Nightingale
- Arthur Winkings
- Article of the week
- Articles and Speeches
- Artificers' Guild
- Artorollo
- Asphalt
- Assassins' Fair
- Assassins' Guild
- Assassin’s Guild
- Astfgl
- Astoria
- Astoria's Flame
- Ataba
- Atavarr's Personal Gravitational Upset
- Atlantis
- Attention Surplus Disorder
- Attic Bee Street
- Audiobooks
- Audit Alley
- Auditors
- Auditors of Reality
- Auguste
- Aurora Corealis
- Aurora Coriolis
- Avec
- Awf'ly Wee Billy Bigchin
- Awk!
- Axe and Bottle
- Axle
- Azaremoth
- Azhural N'choate
- Aziraphale
- Azrael
- B'hrian Bloodaxe
- B-total
- B. Smoth
- B. Wahlströms
- B2 House
- BU
- Back Street Pins
- Backwards-Facing Artichoke